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Femina Pulliyil Madasheri
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Femina Pulliyil Madasheri
Software Engineer

I'm Femina Pulliyil Madasheri, a software engineer from southern state of India, Kerala (God's own country)

Graduated as electronics and communication engineer but destined to become a software engineer, thanks to campus recruitments. I learned Java and Progress 4GL during my first job. Then took a family break and restarted when I was 7 months pregnant with my second baby (so every time = good time to restart, trust me)

During my second job accidentally found Laravel, the first framework I worked on. Beautiful documentation, regular updates and a strong supportive community helped me to stick on to the simple yet powerful framework.

I enjoy peeking in to wide spectrum of subjects, be it a new crochet pattern, data analysis, planting a tree... Excited to see what life has got for me next.

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